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JNKVV-develop new seed verities for grow in various agro climate across India

JNKVV develop new seed verities for grow in various agro climate across India


Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya (JNKVV) has developed two varieties each of oats and wheat, one of rice and three of niger, which have been released during the 87th meeting of Central Sub-Committee on Crop Standards, Notification and Release of Varieties for Agricultural Crops notified in the Gazette of India vide S.O. 8(E) dated 24th December, 2021. Salient features, States of testing and recommended States for cultivations of these varieties have been given at Annexure.

All these newly released varieties were tested under various agro-climatic conditions of the State(s) through All India Coordinated Research Projects and based on the superiority over the national/ zonal checks these varieties have been recommended for release and notification.

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After notification of a variety it takes three years to convert breeder seed to certified seed, and certified seed is distributed to the farmers for general cultivation. Various State and Central Seed Production Agencies and private seed companies produce foundation and certified seed.


Varieties of Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya released during 87th meeting of Central Sub-Committee on Crop Standards Notification and Release of Varieties for Agricultural Crops


Crop and the Variety name State of testing & recommendation Salient features
JO 10-506 Assam, Odisha, Jharkhand and eastern Uttar Pradesh Suitable for rainfed-irrigated under normal fertility conditions, average green fodder yield 219.0q/ha, maturity 135-145 days, resistant to lodging, moderately resistant to leaf blight and root rot
JO 05-304 (Multi cut) Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat Suitable for rainfed-irrigated condition under normal fertility conditions, multi-cut variety, average green fodder yield 560.0 q/ha and dry matter yield 114.0 q/ha, maturity 130-140 days moderately resistance to leaf blight and root rot
MP (JW) 1358


Maharashtra, Karnataka, Plains of Tamil Nadu Suitable for restricted irrigation, timely sown condition, average yield 56.1 q/ha, maturity 105 days, biofortified variety rich in protein (12.1%), iron (40.6 ppm); tolerant to heat and drought stresses, resistant to black and brown rust
MP (JW) 1323 Madhya Pradesh Suitable for irrigated timely sown condition, average yield 61.5 q/ha, maturity 117 days, higher protein content (14.5%); resistant to brown and black rust
JR 10 Madhya Pradesh Suitable for early to medium duration planting during kharif season, recommended for entire rice growing areas of MP, average yield 50-55 q/ha, maturity 120 days; farmers can grow lentil/chickpea after the harvest of this variety, moderately tolerant to most of the diseases including blast & blight
JNS 2016-1115 All India Suitable for rainfed and irrigated condition, average yield 6.5-7.0 q/ha, oil content 39-40%, maturity 96-102 days;tolerant to Cercospora leaf spots, Alternaria leaf spot & powdery mildew diseases, moderately tolerant to aphids, semi-looper and caterpillar
JNS 2015-9 Madhya Pradesh Suitable for rainfed as well as irrigated conditions of hills and plains, average yield 5.5-6.0 q/ha, oil content 37-38%, maturity 99-103 days; tolerant to Cercospora and Alternaria leaf spot & powdery mildew diseases and moderately tolerant to aphids, semi-looper and caterpillar
JNS 521 Madhya Pradesh Suitable for rainfed as well as irrigated hills and plain condition, average yield 5.5-6.0 q/ha, oil content 37-38%, maturity 99-109 days; tolerant to Alternaria leaf spot & powdery mildew diseases and tolerant to aphids, semi-looper and caterpillar

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